18 results
Guttate Psoriasis Skin Rash on Physical Exam

#Guttate #Psoriasis #Skin #Rash #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #dermatology
Guttate Psoriasis ... Physical Exam #Guttate
Fuch's Endothelial Dystrophy- Slit beam through cornea. Notice the imperfections (guttae) of the corneal endothelium on
imperfections (guttae ... slitlamp #cornea #guttae
What is a Boxer’s fracture?? Fracture of the 4th or 5th metacarpal neck
 - Common in
Immobilize with ulnar gutter
Adie's Pupil on Physical Exam

Adie's pupil is a neurological disorder characterized by a tonically dilated pupil
Deepak Gupta #Adies
Boxer's Fracture - ED Management
Be sure to assess for wounds in patients with fractures of the
Splint: Ulnar gutter
Guitar Pick Sign in Orbital Compartment Syndrome

By Dr. Harun Yildiz @drharunyildiz

#Guitar #Pick #Sign #Orbital #Compartment #Syndrome
Guitar Pick Sign ... drharunyildiz #Guitar
Retrobulbar Hematoma and Guitar Pick Sign on Ocular POCUS
Which of the following is NOT present in
Retrobulbar Hematoma and Guitar ... posterior hypoechoic guitar
Small Bowel Obstruction (Courtesy of Joshua Guttman MD)

#Clinical #POCUS #Abdomen #SBO #SmallBowel #Obstruction
Courtesy of Joshua Guttman
POCUS - Yin and yang of a pseudoaneurysm

Dr. Josh Guttman

#Clinical #POCUS #Pseudoaneurysm #YinYang #Complication
Josh Guttman @drjgutt
POCUS shows guitar-pick sign of retrobulbar hematoma just before successful lateral canthotomy
#Clinical #Ophth #POCUS #GuitarPickSign #RetrobulbarHematoma
POCUS shows guitar-pick