40 results
Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CRS) Syndromes
Adenomatous Polyposis Syndromes:
 • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), MUTYH
Inherited Colorectal ... in 279 people Hamartomatous ... DeanEhrlich_MD #Inherited #Colorectal
Malignant Colorectal Polyps - Management Algorithm

#Colorectal #Polyps #Management #Algorithm #Malignant #gastroenterology
Malignant Colorectal ... Algorithm #Colorectal
Gastric Epithelial Polyps - Evaluation and Management 
Hyperplastic Polyps
Fundic gland polyps (FGP)
Gastric Adenomas
Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET)
Tumours (NET) Hamartomatous
Peutz–Jeghers Syndrome
An autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the
development of benign hamartomatous
Algorithm for the management of colorectal lesions
 - Non-invasive
 - Suspected submucosal invasion

- Gastroenterology Review @GIreview

management of colorectal ... @GIreview #Colorectal
Possible sites of anorectal (“perianal”) abscesses #Anatomy #PrimaryCare #Colorectal #EM #PerianalAbscess #Locations #BMJ
#PrimaryCare #Colorectal
Colorectal Cancer Screening and Polyp Surveillance Intervals
Colon Cancer Screening - Modality - Interval:
 • Colonoscopy -
Colorectal Cancer ... DeanEhrlich_MD #Colorectal
Infection-Related Cancers
 • HPV - Cervical, anogenital, head and neck, skin cancer
 • HTLV-1 - Adult
Streptococcus bovis - Colorectal ... Schistosoma japonicum - Colorectal
Hamartomatous Polyposis Syndromes - Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS), Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS), Cowden Syndrome (CS), Cronkhite-Canada (CC),
Hamartomatous Polyposis ... border on lips - Hamartomatous ... if FHx, ≥ 2 GI hamartomatous ... Histologically distinct hamartomatous ... DeanEhrlich_MD #Hamartomatous
Tumor markers in clinical practice
Colorectal - CEA
Hepatocellular - AFP
Pancreatic - CA 19-9
Ovarian - CA 125
Breast -
clinical practice Colorectal