40 results
Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CRS) Syndromes
Adenomatous Polyposis Syndromes:
 • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), MUTYH
Inherited Colorectal ... in 279 people Hamartomatous ... DeanEhrlich_MD #Inherited #Colorectal
Malignant Colorectal Polyps - Management Algorithm

#Colorectal #Polyps #Management #Algorithm #Malignant #gastroenterology
Malignant Colorectal ... Algorithm #Colorectal
Gastric Epithelial Polyps - Evaluation and Management 
Hyperplastic Polyps
Fundic gland polyps (FGP)
Gastric Adenomas
Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET)
Tumours (NET) Hamartomatous
Algorithm for the management of colorectal lesions
 - Non-invasive
 - Suspected submucosal invasion

- Gastroenterology Review @GIreview

management of colorectal ... @GIreview #Colorectal
Peutz–Jeghers Syndrome
An autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the
development of benign hamartomatous
Possible sites of anorectal (“perianal”) abscesses #Anatomy #PrimaryCare #Colorectal #EM #PerianalAbscess #Locations #BMJ
#PrimaryCare #Colorectal
Colorectal Cancer Screening and Polyp Surveillance Intervals
Colon Cancer Screening - Modality - Interval:
 • Colonoscopy -
Colorectal Cancer ... DeanEhrlich_MD #Colorectal
Infection-Related Cancers
 • HPV - Cervical, anogenital, head and neck, skin cancer
 • HTLV-1 - Adult
Streptococcus bovis - Colorectal ... Schistosoma japonicum - Colorectal
Hamartomatous Polyposis Syndromes - Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS), Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS), Cowden Syndrome (CS), Cronkhite-Canada (CC),
Hamartomatous Polyposis ... border on lips - Hamartomatous ... if FHx, ≥ 2 GI hamartomatous ... Histologically distinct hamartomatous ... DeanEhrlich_MD #Hamartomatous
Tumor markers in clinical practice
Colorectal - CEA
Hepatocellular - AFP
Pancreatic - CA 19-9
Ovarian - CA 125
Breast -
clinical practice Colorectal