1167 results
Anterior Interosseous Peripheral Nerve Injury 

Manifested as the inability to make the OK sign.

by Dr. Boby
physicalexam #msk #sports ... #orthopedics #Hand
Hand and Finger Flexion and Extension on Fluoroscopy

#Hand #Finger #Flexion #Extension #Fluoroscopy #clinical #video #radiology #sports
Hand and Finger ... Fluoroscopy #Hand ... video #radiology #sports
Greater Trochanteric Bursa Injection 

Usually roll patient on side, find the most tender spot, approximately an
the most tender spot ... approximately an extended hand ... #rheumatology #sports
Left Wrist Drop - Radial Nerve Palsy on Physical Examination

Left hand drop due to compression of
Examination Left hand ... orthopedics #msk #sports
Triquetral Fracture
The triquetrum is the second most commonly fractured carpal bone. Look for the "pooping duck
onto outstretched hand ... dorsum of the hand ... #Orthopedics #Sports
Phalen's Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Phalen's test evaluates for carpal tunnel syndrome. 
Fully flex wrists and
dorsal surfaces of hands ... clinical #video #sports
Phalen's Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Phalen's test evaluates for carpal tunnel syndrome. 
Fully flex wrists and
dorsal surfaces of hands ... clinical #video #sports
Yergason's Test - Shoulder Examination

To perform Yergason's test, flex the elbow to 90 degrees, shake hands
degrees, shake hands ... clinical #video #sports
Positive Hoffmann's sign (finger flexor reflex)

Flexion and adduction of the thumb and flexion of the index
reflex #clinical #hand ... orthopedics #neurology #sports
Froment’s Test for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

This tests for pinch grip weakness caused by ulnar nerve palsy,
#orthopedics #sports ... #hand