73 results
ESICM LIVES 2019 session on Post Cardiac Arrest Care.
Summary and infographic by Tommaso Scquizzato (@tscquizzato): https://www.esicm.org/blog/?p=2337

Heamodynamic management ... CoronaryAngiography #STEMI #Heamodynamics
Hemodynamic management on ECMO support for severe acute respiratory failure 

#VVECMO #Hemodynamics #Management #Diagnosis #Monitoring
Hemodynamic management ... failure #VVECMO #Hemodynamics
Normal Hemodynamic Cardiac Parameters

Central Venous Pressure 

Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure 

Cardiac Index 

Stroke Index 

Systemic Vascular
Normal Hemodynamic ... #Intracardiac #Hemodynamics
Normal Intracardiac Pressures and O2 Saturations by Chamber

#Normal #Intracardiac #Pressures #Saturations #Chamber #Cardiology #Diagnosis #Laboratory #Wedge
Laboratory #Wedge #Hemodynamics
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Pressures
Normal: RA 0-8, RV 15-25/0-8, Mean PAP <25, PCWP 8-12, Cardiac Index 2.6-4.2
Pressures #Wedge #Hemodynamics
Hemodynamic Effects of Long-Term Administration of Antihypertinsive Agents
Effects on Heart Rate, Cardiac Output, Total Peripheral Resistance,
Hemodynamic Effects ... pharmacology #physiology #hemodynamic
Diabetic Nephropathy: Pathogenesis
 - Metabolic Pathway
 - Hemodynamic Pathway

#Diabetic #Nephropathy #Diabetes #pathophysiology
Metabolic Pathway - Hemodynamic
Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Embolism
 - Effects of mechanical occlusion
 - Effects of chemical mediators
 - Hemodynamic
chemical mediators - Hemodynamic
Portopulmonary Hypertension
Presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension in a patient with portal hypertension
No other obvious causes (chronic
cardiopulmonary hemodynamics ... cardiopulmonary hemodynamics ... cardiopulmonary hemodynamics ... functional status and hemodynamics
We present an algorithm for pain management in the polytrauma patient that divides patients into three
patient with normal hemodynamics