22 results
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - S3 Gallop

S3: add this extra heart sound by tapping second finger twice

Auscultation Practice - S3 ... Gallop S3: add ... ptfaddenMD #S3 ... #Gallop #HeartSounds
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - S4 Gallop

S4: add this extra heart sounds by tapping first finger twice

ptfaddenMD #S3 ... #Gallop #HeartSounds
The cardiac cycle and the ECG, all together explained

#Pathophysiology #Cardiology #CardiacCycle #Stages #Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds #Pressures
Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds
The Cardiac Cycle Animated - Systole, Diastole, Pressures and Volume

#Pathophysiology #Cardiology #CardiacCycle #Stages #Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds
Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds
The Cardiac Cycle Animated - Systole, Diastole, Pressures and Volume - (slowed down version @ 1/2
Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds
Apical Impulse Waveforms on Physical Examination
- Normal
- Sustained Palpable S4
- "Triple Ripple"
- Palpable S3

#Apical #Impulse #Waveforms
Ripple" - Palpable S3
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - Holosystolic Murmur

Holosystolic murmur can be mimicked by dragging your finger across the
Holosystolic #Murmur #HeartSounds
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - Aortic Stenosis

Aortic Stenosis: trace a circle over the back of your hand
Aortic #Stenosis #HeartSounds
HFrEF - Low Ejection Fraction on Physical Exam - Likelihood Ratios
 - Displaced Apical Impulse
Respirations - S3
The more we learn the heart the more we improve our “temporal resolution” at understanding a
Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds