823 results
DSI Checklist

#Management #CriticalCare #Airway #DelayedSequence #DSI #Intubation #Checklist #HEAVEN #Mnemonic
Intubation #Checklist #HEAVEN
Predicting an anatomically and/or physiologically challenging airway is not a straightforward task by any stretch of
tool, called the HEAVEN ... Diagnosis #EM #PCC #Heaven
Demonstration of the parasternal heave using a long Q-tip, known as the "Cooney technique" ( @
the parasternal heave ... systolic parasternal heave ... ParasternalHeave #Heave
Beaver Tail Liver
Anatomical variant with an enlarged left lobe which wraps around the spleen 
Beaver Tail Liver Anatomical variant with an enlarged left lobe which wraps around the spleen - F > M - Prone to trauma - Can mimic splenic hematoma - Care during PEG insertion #Beaver #Tail #Liver #clinical #radiology
Glomerular Diseases - Spectrum
 - Insidious vs Acute
 - Nephritic (hypertension, hematuria, renal failure) vs Nephrotic
vs Nephrotic (Heavy
Peripheral Blood Smear Analysis
Megaloblastic Anemia
Schistocytes: Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (e.g. DIC, TTP, HUS)
Microspherocytes: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Sickled red
Alcohol abuse, Heavy
Giant A waves caused by pulmonary HTN. There are two clearly discernible descents (X and Y)
and is found to have ... a parasternal heave
Causes of Polyneuropathy - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Metabolic: DM, Hypothyroidism, CKD, Cirrhosis, Nutritional deficiency
Toxic: EtOH, Meds, Heavy
Causes of Iron Deficiency
 • Inadequate Intake: Vegetarian/vegan diet, Malnutrition
 • Increased Body Needs: Infants/preschoolers, Pregnancy,
cancers, Donations, Heaves
Causes of Hypocomplementemia - CHAMPS Mnemonic
C - Cryoglobulinemia (85%), C3 glomerulopathy, cirrhosis
H - Heavy Chain deposition
cirrhosis H - Heavy