3282 results
Uremic Asterixis on Physical Exam

Dr. Arvind Canchi @arvindcanchi

#Uremia #Asterixis #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #nephrology
clinical #video #neurology ... #nephrology
Right sided hemichorea from left thalamic bleed

- Dr Supradip Ghosh @dr_supradip

#hemichorea #physicalexam #clinical #video #neurology #chorea
Right sided hemichorea ... clinical #video #neurology
Blood Pressure Management for Neurologic Emergencies
 - SAH 
 - ICH 
 - TBI 
Management for Neurologic ... #CVA #Stroke #Neurology
Neurologic Disorders and Associated Nutritional Deficiences That Complicate Bariatric Surgery, According to Time of Onset 

Neurologic Disorders ... #Nutritional #Neurology
Principal features of Destructive and Irritative cortical lesions in right-handed individual

#Cortical #Cortex #Lesions #Features #Signs #Symptoms
cortical lesions in right-handed ... Symptoms #Brain #Neurology
Nephron Schematic Map - Colombia Nephrology

#Nephron #Nephrology #Pathophysiology #Overview #Tubules #Duct #LoopOfHenle #Diuretics #Schematic #Map
Map - Colombia Nephrology ... #Nephron #Nephrology
High yield pharmacology notes
#pharmacology #antibiotics #nephrology #sideeffects #syndrome #medications
High yield pharmacology ... #antibiotics #nephrology
Diagnosis and Management of Hyponatremia

#Hyponatremia #Algorithm #Differential #Diagnosis #Management #Nephrology

** GrepMed Recommended Text: Nephrology Secrets -
Diagnosis #Management #Nephrology ... Recommended Text: Nephrology
Diagnosis and Management of Hypernatremia

#Hypernatremia #Differential #Algorithm #Causes #Nephrology #Diagnosis

** GrepMed Recommended Text: Nephrology Secrets -
Algorithm #Causes #Nephrology ... Recommended Text: Nephrology
Right Oculomotor (CNIII) Palsy caused by Stroke

Dr. Bruno Farnetano @bruno.farnetano

#Oculomotor #CNIII #Palsy #clinical #video #CN3 #clinical
Right Oculomotor ... clinical #video #neurology