88 results
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
arrows point to helmet ... #Blood #Smear #Helmet ... #HelmetCells #Schistocytes
A – cabot ring, B – Howell-Jolly Body

What are Cabot’s rings?
- They are delicate threadlike inclusions
Microscopy #BloodSmear #CabotRings
The arrows point to blister cells. These cells are thought to be precursors of helmet cells.
precursors of helmet
Differential Diagnosis for ST Segment Elevations
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Schistocyte, helmet
Triplets on Fetal Ultrasound

- Howard T Heller MD FAIUM @hellersound

#Triplets #pregnancy #Fetal #Ultrasound #clinical #obgyn #obstetrics
Ultrasound - Howard T Heller
Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation
 • COPD exacerbation (↓ intubation, ↓ mortality), Cardiogenic pulmonary edema (↓
surgery Interfaces: Helmet
The Pathway of Heme Synthesis, Showing Pathway Intermediates and End-Product Regulation by Heme #Pathophys #Honc #Heme
The Pathway of Heme ... Regulation by Heme ... Pathophys #Honc #Heme
Algorithm for Management of SIADH with Fluid Restriction and Urea

by Helbert Rondon, MD @NephroMD

#SIADH #Management #algorithm
and Urea by Helbert
Urine Microscopy Instructions - How to spin urine

1. Collect a fresh urine sample (5 – 10
You should see a pellet ... liquid above the pellet ... resuspend the pellet ... the resuspended pellet