2936 results
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed air in multiple small cysts within the wall of
under the right hemidiaphragm ... #Radiology #CT # ... #Pneumatosis #NEJM
Gastric Cancer in Chest Radiograph - A plain radiograph of the chest showed a round, irregular
below the right hemidiaphragm ... #Clinical #Radiology ... GastricCancer #NEJM
Splenosis Mimicking Cancer - radiograph of the chest showed nodularity along the left hemidiaphragm (Panel A,
along the left hemidiaphragm ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Heterotopic #NEJM
Algorithm and Causes of an Elevated Hemidiaphragm #Diagnosis #Radiology #EM #IM #PCC #Elevated #Hemidiaphragm #ElevatedHemidiaphragm #Diaphragm
of an Elevated Hemidiaphragm ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... PCC #Elevated #Hemidiaphragm
Chilaiditi Sign on Chest X-Ray
Anterior interposition of the colon between the hemidiaphragm and the liver.
Chilaiditi sign
colon between the hemidiaphragm ... CXR #clinical #radiology
Pneumoperitoneum vs Pseudo-Pneumoperitoneum aka Chilaiditi Sign
It mimics pneumoperitoneum and it is thus important to diagnose it
liver and right hemidiaphragm ... Sign #clinical #radiology
Chest X-Ray Interpretation Checklist
Outline ALL bones
Check soft tissues
Assess heart borders
Is density, behind the heart the same
Can you see hemidiaphragms ... Interpretation #Checklist #radiology
Regression of Clubbing after Treatment of Lung Cancer #Clinical #PhysicalExam #Radiology #Clubbing #Regression #LungCancer #CT #NEJM
#PhysicalExam #Radiology ... LungCancer #CT #NEJM
Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy on Chest X-Ray aka Gastric Pull-up
Ivor Lewis procedure is a type of esophagectomy
below the left hemidiaphragm ... cxr #clinical #radiology
PCI in Acute MI with Cardiogenic Shock. #EBM #Cardiology #CULPRITSHOCK #PCI #VisualAbstract #NEJM
#EBM #Cardiology ... VisualAbstract #NEJM