40 results
Lateral Canthotomy Procedure Instructions and Supply Checklist

 - Anesthetic 
 - Syringe with 27 gauge
removal kit) - Hemostat ... canthus with a hemostat ... ligament. 5) Cantholysis
Lateral Canthotomy with Cantholysis
The treatment of orbital compartment syndrome cause by a retrobulbar hematoma causing symptoms—namely
Canthotomy with Cantholysis ... canthotomy with cantholysis ... canthus with a hemostat ... Lateral #Canthotomy #Cantholysis
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis for Retrobulbar Hemorrhage- Procedure Instructions

Quickly throw a few cc's of lido with
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis ... squeeze it with a hemostat ... ligament (this is the cantholysis ... Lateral #Canthotomy #Cantholysis
Lateral Canthotomy - Procedure Instructions
1) Identify the lateral canthus.
Cleanse the area with antiseptic and anesthetize with
straight Kelly / hemostat ... perform the inferior cantholysis
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis - Procedure Instructions

The orbit is a relatively closed compartment and an acute
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis ... Lateral #Canthotomy #Cantholysis
Formation of a Hemostatic Platelet Plug

#Hemostatic #Platelet #Plug #Formation #Pathophysiology #Hematology
Formation of a Hemostatic ... Platelet Plug #Hemostatic
Lateral Canthotomy and Cantholysis 
Primary indications 
 - Decreased visual acuity 
 - Intraocular pressure >
Canthotomy and Cantholysis ... Lateral #Canthotomy #Cantholysis
Clamp Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Also called locking forceps, these are ratcheted instruments used to hold
objects, or provide hemostasis ... • Crile Hemostat ... size variation of hemostat
Laboratory methods for evaluation of coagulation disorders- primary and secondary hemostasis

#Laboratory #Testing #Hemostasis #Coagulation #Hematology
and secondary hemostasis ... Laboratory #Testing #Hemostasis
Classic mucosal-dominant Pemphigus Vulgaris. Suprabasal acantholysis leaving behind a “row of tombstones” (i.e. the basal layer
Suprabasal acantholysis