196 results
Laboratory methods for evaluation of coagulation disorders- primary and secondary hemostasis

#Laboratory #Testing #Hemostasis #Coagulation #Hematology
and secondary hemostasis ... Laboratory #Testing #Hemostasis
Hemostasis Physiology

The blood's response to blood vessel injury can be viewed as four interrelated steps. 
Hemostasis Physiology ... #Hemostasis #Pathophysiology
Causes of Purpura - Differential Diagnosis
Disruption in Vascular Integrity: 
 • Trauma, Infection, Vasculitis, Drug induced
Abnormality in 1°/2° Hemostasis ... : • Primary hemostasis
Treatment of Bleeding in Selected Inherited Disorders of Hemostasis

#Bleeding #Disorders #HemophiliaA #HemophiliaB #Management #Table #Treatment
Inherited Disorders of Hemostasis
Clamp Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Also called locking forceps, these are ratcheted instruments used to hold
objects, or provide hemostasis ... • Crile Hemostat ... size variation of hemostat
Escharotomy may be performed using cutting diathermy, and coagulative diathermy may help with hemostasis. #Clinical #Photo
may help with hemostasis
Gastroenterology Endoscopy Tools and Accessories - A Visual Catalog for Trainees and Young Gastroenterologists
Biopsy Forceps:
For mechanical hemostasis ... sclerotherapy for hemostasis ... coagulation for hemostasis ... argon gas for hemostasis ... which promotes hemostasis
Petechiae/Purpura - Diagnostic Algorithm. Pathophysiology: 1) Represent the passage of erythrocytes from the intravascular to extravascular
primary or secondary hemostasis
Endoscopic Bleeding Risk - Summary points from ASGE guideline 

Low Risk Procedures 
 - Diagnostic endoscopy
- Endoscopic hemostasis
Summary Infographic for Massive Transfusion Protocol

 - MTP is indicated for patients with prior or ongoing
shown to promote hemostasis