5 results
Positive FAST in the RUQ view demonstrating echogenic clot in Morison’s pouch with adjacent anechoic free
#POCUS #FAST #FASTExam ... MorisonsPouch #HepatorenalRecess
Ultrasound - Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) - Probe Orientation #EM #Trauma #Radiology #POCUS
Positive FAST in LUQ view demonstrating large amount of complex free fluid (*) below the diaphragm
"There are really three places where free fluid can potentially collect in the left upper quadrant
#Diagnostics #FASTexam
Positive FAST Exam Perihepatic Window

Multiple pts. with significant injuries from MVC. Young adult with femur fracture
RJonesSonoEM #FASTExam