7209 results
Facial Swelling from Hereditary Angioedema on Physical Examination

19 year old Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) patient from Turkey.
Swelling from Hereditary ... 19 year old Hereditary ... haeayouth #HAE #Hereditary ... #Angioedema #clinical
Elliptocyte - 
Note the shape of these appropriately named erythrocytes.
In addition to hereditary elliptocytosis, elliptocytes can
In addition to hereditary ... #Clinical #Path
Stomatocyte - The appearance of stomatocytes with their oval or rectangular central pallor has been compared
Clinical Correlation ... associated with an hereditary ... #Clinical #Path
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Closure on Fluoroscopy

Closing the pulmonary AVM - AVP II device.
AVM in Hereditary
AVM in Hereditary ... #AVM #Closure #clinical
Spherocytes - The arrow points to one of many spherocytes in this photo. The cells have
formation include hereditary ... #Clinical #Path
Scleroderma Associated Telangiectasia. 

If you see them-round, often well circumscribed (but can be matte-like too) &
Sjogrens, MCTD, hereditary ... Telangiectasia #clinical
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) on Contrast Echocardiogram

Contrast echo, see outside the cardiac borders.
This was a case
Osler Weber Rendu (Hereditary ... Echocardiogram #POCUS #clinical
A 67 year-old man presents with lower lip swelling for the past two hours, and tells
#Clinical #Photo ... #Lips #Face #Hereditary
Clinical Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension

1. Pulmonary arterial hypertension from pulmonary vasculopathy
Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
Heritable gene mutations
Clinical Classification ... with or without hereditary
BEE Syndromes - Non-inflammatory Causes

Immune-mediated conditions affecting the Brain, Eye, and Ear

Visual or auditory symptoms in
syndrome—Leber’s hereditary ... MRI lesions and clinical