457 results
Suggested algorithm for deciding how to preoxygenate a patient with AHRF who requires tracheal intubation. #intubation
highflownasalcannula #hfnc ... #criticalcare #
COVID-19 Hypoxia Management

Indication for endotracheal intubation?
Tolerating supplemental oxygen?
Consider HFNC
Not tolerating HFNC or HFNC is not available?
Consider HFNC Not ... tolerating HFNC ... or HFNC is not ... management #schema #criticalcare
Differential Diagnosis of Anemias #Diagnosis #IM #Honc #Anemia #Differential #Iron #Algorithm #Microcytic #Macrocytic #Normocytic #Ddxof
Diagnosis #IM #Honc
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Anemia #Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc #Anemia #Differential #Workup #Algorithm #Microcytic #Macrocytic
Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc
Evaluation of Lymphadenopathy - Localized vs Generalized #Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc #Lymphadenopathy #Localized #Generalized #Infectious #Malignancy
Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc
Approach to Selecting Respiratory Support:
-The role of noninvasive respiratory support is generally to reduce the patient's
HFNC may be made ... #Management #CriticalCare ... BiPAP #BiLevel #HFNC
Nasal Oxygen Delivery Devices
Nasal cannula can be used to deliver supplemental O2. Conventional nasal cannula are
nasal cannula (HFNC ... failure use of HFNC ... HFNC can prevent ... Extubation to HFNC ... management #pulmonary #criticalcare
Managing long term side effects of chemotherapy #Management #Peds #Honc #Chemotherapy #SideEffects #Screening #Monitoring #BMJ
Management #Peds #Honc
Early Events in Acute GVHD #Pathophys #Honc #GVHD #GraftVersusHostDisease #NEJM
GVHD #Pathophys #Honc
The Pathway of Heme Synthesis, Showing Pathway Intermediates and End-Product Regulation by Heme #Pathophys #Honc #Heme
Heme #Pathophys #Honc