7 results
#Diagnosis #EM #IM #PERC #Low #Risk #Pulmonary #Embolism #PulmonaryEmbolism #Algorithm #RebelEM
#Diagnosis #EM # ... IM #PERC #Low #Risk ... #Pulmonary #Embolism ... PulmonaryEmbolism #Algorithm
Algorithm for Evaluation of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism #Diagnosis #EM #IM #PCC #PulmonaryEmbolism #Pulmonary #Embolism #DDimer #CTA
Algorithm for Evaluation ... of Suspected Pulmonary ... Embolism #Diagnosis ... #EM #IM #PCC #PulmonaryEmbolism ... #Pulmonary #Embolism
Pulmonary Embolism Severeity Index - estimates 30d mortality #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #PCC #PESI #sPESI #risk
Pulmonary Embolism ... mortality #Diagnosis #Management ... #EM #IM #PCC #PESI
A good approach when dealing with hypotension at the bedside includes using the following systematic four
Resistance #Diagnosis #Management ... #EM #IM #PCC #Hypotensive ... Hypotension #Approach #Algorithm
The pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria (PERC) was created to reduce testing in patients who have a
The pulmonary embolism ... who have a very low ... #Diagnosis #EM # ... IM #PERC #Rule # ... Criteria #Pulmonary
Trick of the Trade: Naloxone Dilution for IV Use - Given that many ED overdose patients
You now have 10 ... #Management #EM ... #IM #PCC #Naloxone
Chest Pain Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
 - Hx: Pressure like CP, Radiation to arm/jaw, CAD risk
Diagnosis and Management ... Algorithm STEMI ... deficit, Focal neuro ... Limb ischemia Pulmonary ... Embolism: - Hx