1422 results
Congenital Infections - Comparison Table:
Infections: Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Treponema, Parvovirus B19, VZV, Herpes, Enterovirus
Manifestations: Anemia, Bony
Congenital Infections - Comparison ... Hydrocephalus, Hydrops ... Congenital #Infections #Comparison
Meniere Disease - Endolymphatic hydrops - TRIAD 
1 Episodic vertigo (a true spinning sensation) 
2 Sensorineural
Endolymphatic hydrops ... Endolymphatic #hydrops
List of some common medications used in the operative setting, with their counterparts that look alike
of some common medications ... ensure the proper medication ... for the correct indications ... #management #medication
Most ophthalmic drop caps are color coordinated with their pharmacologic class. Here is a color-coded chart
prescribed ophthalmic drops ... #Ophthalmic #EyeDrops
Topical drug formulations, comparison and considerations

#pharmacology #table #medications #comparison #drugs #treatment #pharmacotherapy #dermatology
formulations, comparison ... pharmacology #table #medications ... #comparison #drugs
Comparison of withdrawal effect likeliness between common antidepressant medications

#psychiatry #depression #antidepressants #ssri #snri #discontinuation #withdrawal #comparison
Comparison of withdrawal ... antidepressant medications ... discontinuation #withdrawal #comparison
Antiarrhythmic Medication Table

#Antiarrhythmic #Medications #Table #Classification #Classes #Cardiology #Pharmacology
Antiarrhythmic Medication ... Antiarrhythmic #Medications
Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes - Algorithm

#Diabetes #Medications #Algorithm #Pharmacology #Pharmacotherapy #Hypoglycemic #Management #Endocrinology
Glucose-lowering medication ... Algorithm #Diabetes #Medications
Counselling tips for different corticosteroid dosage forms

#pharmacology #treatment #comparison #review #medications #corticosteroids
pharmacology #treatment #comparison ... #review #medications
Pharmacologic Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

#Hyperthyroidism #Treatment #Management #Pharmacology #Medications #Comparison #Table #Endocrinology #AAFP #Propylthiouracil #Methimazole
#Pharmacology #Medications ... #Comparison #Table