6461 results
Most ophthalmic drop caps are color coordinated with their pharmacologic class. Here is a color-coded chart
prescribed ophthalmic drops ... #Ophthalmic #EyeDrops ... #Pharmacology #Ophthalmology
Meniere Disease - Endolymphatic hydrops - TRIAD 
1 Episodic vertigo (a true spinning sensation) 
2 Sensorineural
Endolymphatic hydrops ... Endolymphatic #hydrops ... Otolaryngology #Diagnosis
Sickle Cell Disease and the Eye 

Ocular Manifestations of Sickle Cell Disease

 - Hyphema is Dangerous
Dangerous in SCD - Eyedrops ... #Ocular #Eye #Ophthalmology ... #Diagnosis
Scleritis, Episcleritis Pearls
-Scleritis is characterized by significant pain, pain with eye movement, vision loss, and vessels
phenylephrine drops ... scleritis involves ophthalmology ... #Diagnosis #Ophthalmology
Congenital Infections - Comparison Table:
Infections: Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Treponema, Parvovirus B19, VZV, Herpes, Enterovirus
Manifestations: Anemia, Bony
Hydrocephalus, Hydrops ... Table #pediatrics #diagnosis
Hordeolum vs Chalazion

Hordeolum (Stye):
 • Location: Most commonly found at or near an eyelash follicle
compresses, antibiotic eyedrops ... #Clinical #Diagnosis ... #Management #Ophthalmology
Algorithm for diagnosing the cause of red eye.

#Diagnosis #Ophthalmology #Red #Eye #Algorithm #Differential
Algorithm for diagnosing ... #Diagnosis #Ophthalmology
Algorithm for diagnosing a patient with a swollen red eyelid #aafp #ophthalmology #algorithm #diagnosis #swollen #red
Algorithm for diagnosing ... eyelid #aafp #ophthalmology ... #algorithm #diagnosis
Acute Corneal Hydrops in Keratoconus

Patient presenting with sudden onset decrease in vision, photophobia, and pain.

#Corneal #Hydrops
Acute Corneal Hydrops ... #Corneal #Hydrops ... #physicalexam #ophthalmology
Corneal Hydrops in a patient with Keratoconus - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Corneal #Hydrops
Corneal Hydrops ... oftalmopo #Corneal #Hydrops ... clinical #video #ophthalmology