3 results
Hemorrhagic Tamponade revealed during CPR on POCUS

POCUS (cardiac SubXi) showing why CPR isn't doing much for
why CPR isn't doing ... remove the clot #FOAMed ... clinical #ACLS #echocardiogram ... #Effusion #Pericardial ... #Intraarrest #compressions
Pericardial Consistency Comparison on POCUS - Blood, Fat, Pus and Serous

Unclotted blood remains anechoic around clotted
Comparison on POCUS ... have loculations moving ... Serous effusion ... #Table #Echocardiogram ... #S4C
Perhaps quite too often, the knee-jerk reaction to an elevated Troponin is to call our friends
are typically able ... time for coronary perfusion ... algorithm #cardiology #echocardiogram ... management #clinical #criticalcare ... #foamed #treatment