523 results
Fluid Resuscitation in Adult Septic Shock - Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2016 

#Management #IVFluid #Resuscitation #SurvivingSepsis #Guidelines
Fluid Resuscitation ... #Management #IVFluid
IV Fluid Composition and Effects on Plasma
0.9% Saline
Ringer's Lactate
Balanced Crystalloid

#IVFluid #Composition #Plasma #comparison #Effects #nephrology #pharmacology
IV Fluid Composition ... Crystalloid #IVFluid
Point of Care Ultrasound Fluid Resuscitation Guide (using IVC and lung ultrasound)

Source Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26475100

#IVFluid #Resuscitation #Algorithm
Care Ultrasound Fluid ... pubmed/26475100 #IVFluid
PocketPEM - IV Fluids - Bolus, Maintenance #Management #Peds #EM #IVF #IVFluids #Maintenance #Bolus #Dose #PocketCard
Peds #EM #IVF #IVFluids
Choose Your Fluid: Crystalloid Comparison Chart:
Plasma vs Plasma-Lyte, Saline (.45%, 0.9%, 2%, 3%), D5W, Ringer's Lactate,
Choose Your Fluid ... mEq NaHCO3 #IVFluids
Prescribing Resuscitation IV Fluids
Assess for hypovolaemia (ABCDE)
Reassess (ABCDE)

- Dr. Ashley Miller @icmteaching

#Resuscitation #IVFluids #Prescribing #management
Resuscitation #IVFluids
Crystalloid Compositon - Normal Saline, Lactated Ringers, PlasmaLyte
#Pharmacology #Crystalloids #Contents #Comparison #Table #Normosol #Plasmalyte #LactatedRingers #NormalSaline
NormalSaline #NS #LR #IVFluids
Mortality after Fluid Bolus in African Children with Severe Infection - June 30, 2011 N Engl
Mortality after Fluid ... CONCLUSIONS: Fluid ... #FEAST #Trial #IVFluids
Prescribing Maintenance IV Fluids
 • Can the patient meet their fluid needs orally or enterally? If
patient meet their fluid ... If so no IV fluid ... • Consider fluid ... , Examination, Fluid ... #Maintenance #IVFluids
pH-guided fluid resuscitation
Whenever you are giving fluid to a patient, that is an opportunity to affect
pH-guided fluid ... you are giving fluid ... poor choice of fluid ... pH-guided fluid ... Management #pHGuided #IVFluid