1511 results
PocketPEM - IV Fluids - Bolus, Maintenance #Management #Peds #EM #IVF #IVFluids #Maintenance #Bolus #Dose #PocketCard
PocketPEM - IV Fluids ... Peds #EM #IVF #IVFluids
Prescribing Resuscitation IV Fluids
Assess for hypovolaemia (ABCDE)
Reassess (ABCDE)

- Dr. Ashley Miller @icmteaching

#Resuscitation #IVFluids #Prescribing #management
Resuscitation IV Fluids ... Resuscitation #IVFluids
Swan Ganz - Pulmonary Artery Catheter Basics

Nick Mark MD @nickmmark

#PA #SwanGanz #Pulmonary #Artery #Catheter #Basics #Diagnosis
Swan Ganz - Pulmonary ... #PA #SwanGanz #Pulmonary ... Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
Capnography and 12 Common Waves - Credit: Charlie Alvarenga

#Diagnosis #CriticalCare #Capnography #Waveforms #Interpretation #ETCO2 #EndTidalCO2 #pulmonary
#Diagnosis #CriticalCare ... #EndTidalCO2 #pulmonary
Point of Care Ultrasound Fluid Resuscitation Guide (using IVC and lung ultrasound)

Source Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26475100

#IVFluid #Resuscitation #Algorithm
pubmed/26475100 #IVFluid ... Ultrasound #Lung #IVC #Pulmonary
POCUS Lung Algorithm for the Use of Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Dyspnea 

#Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare ... #Ddxof #Lung #Pulmonary
Conceptual Relationship between Volume Responsiveness and Volume Tolerance

Assessing for volume responsiveness would only tell you that
Responsiveness #Tolerance #IVFluids ... Pathophysiology #CriticalCare
Mechanical Ventilation in High Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
- Maintain PEEP < ICP
- Dealing with ICP
- HOB effect
Elevated #management #pulmonary ... #criticalcare
#EKG taken on a patient with an acute pulmonary embolism with right heart strain showing tachycardia,
with an acute pulmonary ... pulmonaryembolism #AcutePE #criticalcare
Alveolar Recruitment
Effect of Intensive vs Moderate Alveolar Recruitment Strategies Added to Lung-Protective Ventilation on Postoperative Pulmonary
Postoperative Pulmonary ... in less severe pulmonary ... Postoperative #Pulmonary ... #CriticalCare