86 results
Appearance of Liver Lesions on Various Imaging Modalities
 • Computed Tomography (CT) - Arterial Phase, Portal
Appearance of Liver ... malformation, Infantile ... , Metastasis #Liver ... CT #MRI #POCUS #radiology
"Liver palms"
Palmar erythema 

#clinical #diagnosis #PhysicalExam 
#hands #liver #hepatology #cirrosis
"Liver palms" Palmar ... PhysicalExam #hands #liver ... hepatology #cirrosis #photo
Appearance of Liver Lesions on Computed Tomography (CT) - Arterial Phase, Portal Venous Phase and Delayed
Appearance of Liver ... malformation, Infantile ... , Metastasis #Liver ... ComputedTomography #CT #radiology
Liver Mass Differential Diagnosis
 • Benign: Hepatic Hemangioma, Focal nodular hyperplasia, Hepatocellular adenoma, Regenerative nodules
Liver Mass Differential ... Cystadenoma, Polycystic liver ... Echinococcus #Liver ... Diagnosis #hepatology #Radiology
CT angiography chest showing #pulmonaryinfarction due to acute #pulmonaryembolism. #Hamptonhump was viewed on CXR (https://GrepMed.com/images/5576). #photo
#photo #CT #Angiography ... #CriticalCare #Radiology ... #Cardiology #HamptonHump
Spider Angioma: Dialated superficial arterioles, most commonly associated with advanced liver disease.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
with advanced liver ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Terry's Nails

Proximal paleness extending halfway up the nail, often eliminating the lunula. Darker distal band. Seen
advanced age, liver ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Photo
Hepatic Masses on CT - Differential Diagnosis by CT Findings

Masses: Hemangioma, Adenoma, FNH, HCC, Fibrolamellar HCC,
differential #diagnosis #liver ... #hepatology #radiology
Syphilitic gummas in Tertiary syphilis
Tertiary syphilitic gummas may mimic basal cell carcinoma. The gummatous tumors are
blood vessels, liver ... syphilis #clinical #photo
Interstitial keratitis in Tertiary Syphilis

Interstitial keratitis, which is an inflammation of the cornea’s connective tissue elements,
blood vessels, liver ... syphilis #clinical #photo