6 results
Central line placement: verifying wire placement on POCUS
Prior to dilation of a central vein. Confirm wire
#CentralLine #internaljugular ... RIJ #longaxis #shortaxis
Parasternal Short Axis (PSAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy
 - Papillary Muscles Level (Mid-LV)
 - Aortic
#Parasternal #ShortAxis
DIY Respirator

Innovative technique to create a cheap, reusable, elastomeric respirator for use during critical N95 supply
critical N95 supply shortages
Sedation and Analgesia Medications - Drug Shortages
Analgesia Options
 - Fentanyl
 - Morphine
 - Hydromorphone
 - Remifenatnil
Medications - Drug Shortages ... #Medications #Shortages
Respiratory Variation of the Jugular Vein on POCUS Examination

And ask the patient to relax and
#JugularVein #InternalJugular
Turbulent Flow in the Internal Jugular Vein on POCUS secondary to a distal thrombus.

You're going to
1212400025034207233 #InternalJugular