4 results
Management of Jackhammer Esophagus or Esophageal Spasm
Step 1: Assess the severity of the motility disturbance
Step 2:
Management of Jackhammer ... Step 5: POEM #Jackhammer
Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motility Disorders
EGJ Outflow Obstruction
Distal Esophageal Spasm
Jackhammer Esophagus
Absent Contractility
Ineffective Motility
Rapid Contraction

#Chicago #Classification #Esophageal
Esophageal Spasm Jackhammer
Esophageal Motility Disorders
Obstructive Physiology: EGJ, Distal Esophagus
Distal Contractility: Hyper-contractile, Hypo-contractile
Type I achalasia, Type II achalasia, Type
esophageal spasm, Jackhammer
Achalasia Summary

Epidemiology: 10 cases per 100,000 individuals

Defined by inadequate relaxation of the LES and aperistalsis
Primary or
esophageal spasm • Jackhammer