553 results
Urine Microscopy Guide

#Diagnosis #Path #Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy #Chart #Guide #atlas
Urine Microscopy ... Guide #Diagnosis #Path ... Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
anemia and Howell Jolly ... Smear #Clinical #Microscopy
Codocytes (Target cells) - Two target cells are seen in the left photo and one in
photo are a Howell-Jolly ... #Clinical #Path
These are oxalate crystals, which look like little envelopes (or tetrahedrons, depending upon your point of
#Clinical #Path ... Nephro #Urine #Microscopy
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
bodies, Howell-Jolly ... Morphologies #Key #Atlas #Microscopy
A normal peripheral blood smear indicates the appropriate appearance of red blood cells, with a zone
#Clinical #Path ... #Microscopy #PeripheralBloodSmear
Auer Rods - Bone marrow aspiration revealed 5% blasts and 65% promyelocytes; many promyelocytes had prominent
#Clinical #Path ... AcutePromyelocyticLeukemia #Smear #Microscopy
Muddy Brown Casts in ATN
#Clinical #Path #Nephro #Urine #Microscopy #MuddyBrownCasts #ATN
ATN #Clinical #Path ... Nephro #Urine #Microscopy
Here is another peripheral blood smear demonstrating changes with iron deficiency anemia. Note the increased zone
#Clinical #Path ... #Microscopy #PeripheralBloodSmear
Here are very large, immature myeloblasts with many nucleoli. A distincitve feature of these blasts is
#Clinical #Path ... #Blood #Smear #Microscopy