2931 results
Post-splenectomy blood smear demonstrating Howell-Jolly bodies and target cells.

#Clinical #Pathology #BloodSmear #HowellJollyBodies #TargetCells #Splenectomy #Asplenic
demonstrating Howell-Jolly
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
anemia and Howell Jolly
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Visual Complaints with Ocular Ultrasonography (POCUS)

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

Ultrasonography (POCUS ... thame #Ocular #POCUS ... Algorithm #Emergency #Ophthalmology
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
bodies, Howell-Jolly
Common RBC Inclusions and Associations
 • Howell Jolly Bodies: Hyposplenism, Asplenism, Severe hemolytic anemia
 • Heinz
Associations • Howell Jolly
Ocular Ultrasound Pocketcard
Painless Vision Loss
 • Retinal Detachment 
 • Posterior Vitreous Detachment 
 • Vitreous
Periorbital Edema - POCUS ... Ocular #Ultrasound #pocus ... diagnosis #radiology #ophthalmology
Codocytes (Target cells) - Two target cells are seen in the left photo and one in
photo are a Howell-Jolly
Retinal detachment on Ocular POCUS

Patient: "I see floaters"
Me: "I see your problem" 

Dx - retinal detachment
detachment on Ocular POCUS ... #Clinical #Ophthalmology ... #POCUS #Ocular
Tethered Retinal Detachment on Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Retina is tethered at ora serrata and optic
Care Ultrasound (POCUS ... Tethered #Clinical #POCUS ... Ocular #Ultrasound #Ophthalmology
Two things going on here in this blunt ocular trauma patient: Retinal Detachment and Lens Dislocation.
made obvious on POCUS ... Dislocation #Clinical #POCUS ... Ocular #Ultrasound #Ophthalmology