2843 results
Codocytes (Target cells) - Two target cells are seen in the left photo and one in
photo are a Howell-Jolly ... #Clinical #Path
Post-splenectomy blood smear demonstrating Howell-Jolly bodies and target cells.

#Clinical #Pathology #BloodSmear #HowellJollyBodies #TargetCells #Splenectomy #Asplenic
demonstrating Howell-Jolly
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
anemia and Howell Jolly
Patch dehiscence (post surgical correction of congenital VSD) on Echocardiogram

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#VSD #Patch #dehiscence
Patch dehiscence ... Ivan_Echocardio #VSD #Patch ... clinical #pocus #cardiology
Urine Microscopy Guide

#Diagnosis #Path #Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy #Chart #Guide #atlas
Guide #Diagnosis #Path
Inpatient Cath Lab Indications
Cath Lab ASAP:
1. Unstable/cardiogenic shock
2. Severe LV dysfunction or
3. Recurrent/persistent rest angina despite
Inpatient Cath Lab ... Indications Cath ... ventricular arrhythmia Cath ... high (5-7) risk Cath ... catheterization #cardiology
Right Heart Cath - Normal Cardiac Pressures

Right Atrial Pressure (RAP) or Central Venous Pressure (CVP)
Right Heart Cath ... #Right #Heart #Cath ... Pressures #RHC #cardiology
Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA) on Chest XRay
 - Oval Shaped Cardiac Silhouette 
 - Narrow
Olly @USMLE_Clinic ... CXR #ChestXRay #Radiology
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
bodies, Howell-Jolly
Red Blood Cell Morphology Atlas

Size variation, Hemoglobin distribution,  
Shape variation,  
#Diagnosis #Path