346 results
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Pathologic Red Blood ... bodies, Howell-Jolly ... Atlas #Microscopy #Pathology ... Robbins & Cotran Pathologic
Post-splenectomy blood smear demonstrating Howell-Jolly bodies and target cells.

#Clinical #Pathology #BloodSmear #HowellJollyBodies #TargetCells #Splenectomy #Asplenic
demonstrating Howell-Jolly ... #Clinical #Pathology
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
anemia and Howell Jolly ... #Body #Bodies #Pathology
A – cabot ring, B – Howell-Jolly Body

What are Cabot’s rings?
- They are delicate threadlike inclusions
ring, B – Howell-Jolly ... #Clinical #Pathology
Common RBC Inclusions and Associations
 • Howell Jolly Bodies: Hyposplenism, Asplenism, Severe hemolytic anemia
 • Heinz
Associations • Howell Jolly
Sweat gland tumors - Pathology

Made with lots of help from @JMGardnerMD's paper on adnexal tumors for
gland tumors - Pathology ... gland #tumors #Pathology
Codocytes (Target cells) - Two target cells are seen in the left photo and one in
photo are a Howell-Jolly
Posterior chamber pathology comparison on Ocular POCUS:
- vitreous hemorrhage
- vitreous detachment
- retinal detachment

#Posterior #chamber #pathology #Ocular
Posterior chamber pathology ... Posterior #chamber #pathology
#Systemic Effects of Inflammation #Pathology Revision
Inflammation #Pathology
Dysplasia in Myelodysplastic Syndrome 
 - Dyserythropoiesis 
 - Dysmegakaryopoiesis 

#Dysplasias #MDS #Myelodysplastic
Myelodysplastic #Syndrome #Pathology