23 results
Radiographic appearances of pulmonary diseases in HIV/AIDS Patients
 • Diffuse Interstitial Infiltrates: Pneumocystis jirovecii, M.tuberculosis, Histoplasma
diseases in HIV/AIDS ... Pulmonary edema; ARDS ... disease, Pulmonary alveolar ... ; Lung cancer, Kaposi ... diagnosis #chestCT #radiology
ARDS/VALI progression over the course of 1 week 
 (a) Day 1 - No pathological findings.
ARDS/VALI progression ... Progressing to diffuse alveolar ... #Clinical #Radiology ... CXR #ChestXRay #ARDS
COVID-19 patient with severe ARDS

Giuseppe Curigliano, MD, PhD @curijoey

Editor Note: Pt likely has severe underlying emphysema

patient with severe ARDS ... emphysema #COVID19 #ARDS ... #Severe #Clinical ... #ChestCT #Radiology
AIDS-defining illnesses
 - Candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi, trachea, or lungs [(but NOT the mouth (thrush)]
AIDS-defining illnesses ... duration) - Kaposi ... Burkitt's (or equivalent ... immunoblastic (or equivalent ... syndrome due to HIV #AIDS
On the left a patient with ARDS. 
There is alveolar edema in both lungs. 
Notice that
a patient with ARDS ... There is alveolar ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #ARDS #Alveolar
Colonic Kaposi Sarcoma in advanced HIV/AIDS patient with lower GIB. Lifted with epinephrine for pox bleeding.

Colonic Kaposi Sarcoma ... in advanced HIV/AIDS ... DrBloodandGuts #Kaposi ... #colonoscopy #clinical
Our patient was exposed to burning sumac smoke while clearing out her yard .  Toxicodendron
lungs causing ARDS ... #Clinical #EM #Tox ... #Radiology #CTChest
Interstitial pneumonias
An acute reticular pattern is most frequently caused by interstitial edema due to cardiac heart
manifestation of AIDS ... #Clinical #Radiology
Oral HPV-Associated Papillomatosis in AIDS - A 36-year-old man who had the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Papillomatosis in AIDS ... immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS ... ) with Kaposi’s ... ’s left side) #Clinical ... Papillomatosis #HPV #AIDS
Crazy Paving is a combination of ground glass opacity with superimposed septal thickening (5).
It was first
be specific for alveolar ... other diseases. - Alveolar ... heart failure, ARDS ... , AIP) #Clinical ... #Radiology #CTChest