245 results
Severe Kyphosis on Physical Exam


#Kyphosis #Spine #back #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #msk #orthopedics
Severe Kyphosis ... topicosderaciocinioclinico #Kyphosis ... #Spine #back #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - Holosystolic Murmur

Holosystolic murmur can be mimicked by dragging your finger across the
finger across the back ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
This is ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Fibrillating right atria and rapid ventricular response.
Pulmonary vein isolation was performed and
and patient went back ... AFib #Clinical #Video
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - Aortic Stenosis

Aortic Stenosis: trace a circle over the back of your hand
circle over the back ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Cardiac MRI Demonstrating Electrical Alternans in Pericardial Effusion

Dr Prasad Jain @DrPrasadJain

#Pericardial #Effusion #Cardiac #MRI #Cine #CMRI
Alternans #clinical #video ... #radiology #cardiology
Pelvis Insufficiency fractures
 - Back pain consistently one of the top three most common ER chief
fractures - Back ... pelvic cause of low back ... Pelvic #diagnosis #radiology
Hemiplegic Gait 

With a hemiplegic gait there is impaired natural swinging at the hip and knee
and then swings back ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Reduction of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

This young man presented to the ER with a Shoulder Dislocation. He
shoulder slides back ... Anterior #clinical #video
Nuchal Rigidity in Infantile Bacterial Meningitis

Flexion of the neck revealed nuchal rigidity. The patient was unable
he elevated his back ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Jugular Venous Distension on PhysicalExam

#JVP #Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Cardiology #Neck #Video #Jugular
PhysicalExam #Clinical #Cardiology ... #Neck #Video #Jugular