18 results
The Cell Cycle
The cell cycle is the series of tightly regulated steps that controls cell growth
through the G1/S checkpoint ... /S, S/G2, G2/M checkpoints ... the cell cycle checkpoints ... why an elephants lifetime ... proliferation #TF #E2F #checkpoint
Whenever you see an area of increased density within the lung, it must be the result
Atelectasis - collapse ... Consolidation #Patterns #RadiologyAssistant
Left lower lobe atelectasis - There is a triangular density seen through the cardiac shadow.
This must
CXR #LLL #Lobar #Collapse ... #RadiologyAssistant
Left upper lobe atelectasis
What are the findings?
 - Minimal volume loss with elevation of the left
, which is the collapsed ... Lateral #LUL #Lobar #Collapse ... #APWindow #RadiologyAssistant
Right lower lobe atelectasis
Chest x-rays of a 70-year old male who fell from the stairs and
lung but by the collapsed ... Lateral #RLL #Lobar #Collapse ... #RadiologyAssistant
Lobar atelectasis or lobar collaps is an important finding on a chest x-ray and has a
atelectasis or lobar collaps ... Radiology #CXR #Lobar #Collapse ... Patterns #Comparison #RadiologyAssistant
Right upper lobe atelectasis
1) triangular density
2) elevated right hilus
3) obliteration of the retrosternal clear space (arrow)
CXR #RUL #Lobar #Collapse ... #LungCancer #RadiologyAssistant
There is a right lower lobe atelectasis.
Notice the abnormal right border of the heart.
The right interlobar
lung but by the collapsed ... CXR #RLL #Lobar #Collapse ... MucousPlugging #Resolution #RadiologyAssistant
The CT-images demonstrate the atelectasis of the left upper lobe (blue arrow).
There is a centrally located
CTChest #LUL #Lobar #Collapse ... #Obstructive #RadiologyAssistant
On the PET-CT there is both a tumor in the left lung, aswell as in the
PETCT #LUL #Lobar #Collapse ... #RadiologyAssistant