13 results
Common Causes of the Different Categories of Dizziness #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #EM #IM #Differential #Dizziness #Vertigo #Disequilibrium
#PrimaryCare #EM ... Lightheadedness #Table #NEJM
Hyperkalemia after Missed Hemodialysis - Initial electrocardiogram showed peaked T waves and a prolonged QT segment
Clinical #Cardiology #EM ... Hyperkalemia #PeakedT #NEJM
This is a parasternal long axis view of a young patient presenting with 3 days of
.- Michael Macias ... , EM Resident Physician ... University #Clinical #EM
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
Clinical #Derm #EM ... Pneumatosis #CT #NEJM
Classification of Hip Fracture According to Anatomical Fracture Site. Hip fractures are anatomically classified in relation
Anatomy #Ortho #EM ... FemoralHead #Subcapital #NEJM
Pyogenic Granuloma of the Conjunctiva - A 30-year-old man presented with a pedunculated lesion on his
Clinical #Ophth #EM ... #Conjunctival #NEJM
Selected Treatments for Hip Fracture. Panel A shows internal fixation with multiple screws for a nondisplaced
Management #Ortho #EM ... InternalFixation #NEJM
Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infection #Diagnosis #GenSurg #EM #Pitfalls #Necrotizing #SoftTissueInfections #NEJM
Diagnosis #GenSurg #EM ... SoftTissueInfections #NEJM
Chest radiography showed perihilar opacities in both lungs with free air in the mediastinum (Panel A,
Clinical #PCC #IM #EM ... Pneumomediastinum #Influenza #NEJM
Normal IUP Findings 1) Yolk sac: Round fluid-filled structure within the gestational sac, located in the
Fetal pole: Small mass ... Diagnosis #Clinical #EM