4 results
The rationale for aggressive treatment of generalized status epilepticus was described previously here.  In short,
In short, best outcomes ... rely upon rapid seizure ... The longer the seizure ... #Management #Neurology ... #Algorithm #PulmCrit
The first step is to separate seizures by how they begin in the brain. The type
is to separate seizures ... The type of seizure ... starts in one side ... #Diagnosis #Neurology ... #ILAE2017 #Classification
Hyponatremia - Diagnosis and Treatment
Hyponatremia is usually caused by the inability to excrete water normally.
Then, ask 3 questions ... to work through ... Assess volume status ... of symptomatic (seizures ... Treatment #management #nephrology
Lumbar Stenosis - Canal and Foraminal Stenosis Grading

How do we tell if the nerves have enough
stenosis, the canal starts ... Stenosis #Grading #Classification ... Foraminal #diagnosis #neurology ... neuroradiology #orthopedics