745 results
Appearance of Liver Lesions on Various Imaging Modalities
 • Computed Tomography (CT) - Arterial Phase, Portal
Computed Tomography (CT ... Delayed Phase • Magnetic ... Ultrasound #Contrast #CT
On the left a patient who had a CT to rule out pulmonary embolism.
There is a
patient who had a CT ... based on this CT ... SeptalThickening #CHF #RadiologyAssistant
Mid-sagittal T2 weighted lumbosacral spine magnetic resonance imaging scan #Clinical #EM #PrimaryCare #LumbarProlapse #DiscProlapse #MRI #Sagittal
lumbosacral spine magnetic
A diagnostic approach to secondary amenorrhea. (DHEA-S = dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH =
hormone; MRI = magnetic
Nystagmus from Wernicke’s Encephalopathy - Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed T2 hyperintensities involving the
Encephalopathy - Magnetic
A guide for the interpretation of CT Abdomen/Pelvis

#CTAbdomen #AbdominalCT #Tutorial #Interpretation #Guide #System #Emergency #Radiology #CT
interpretation of CT ... Emergency #Radiology #CT
Frontal Magnetic Gait or Gait Apraxia on Physical Exam

Found in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)

#Gait #Apraxia #Magnetic
Frontal Magnetic ... Gait #Apraxia #Magnetic
Frontal Magnetic Gait or Gait Apraxia on Physical Exam

Found in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)

#Gait #Apraxia #Magnetic
Frontal Magnetic ... Gait #Apraxia #Magnetic
Chest XRay Consolidation Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Consolidation #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Interstitial Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Interstitial #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant