949 results
Main types of autoimmune encephalitis in the ICU. 
Anti-NMDAR anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor, ADEM acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Anti-GFAP
cerebrospinal fluid, MRI magnetic ... encephalitis #comparison #table
Appearance of Liver Lesions on Various Imaging Modalities
 • Computed Tomography (CT) - Arterial Phase, Portal
Delayed Phase • Magnetic ... diagnosis #comparison #table
Definitions and illustrations of criteria used to categorize cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) likelihood based on cardiac magnetic
based on cardiac magnetic ... enhancement; and MRI, magnetic ... #Probability #Table
Appearance of Liver Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - T2, T1 precontrast, T1 portal venous,
Liver Lesions on Magnetic ... diagnosis #comparison #table
Summary table of autoimmune diseases and the specific antibody related to the disease. Visit gramproject.com for
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... diagnosis #algorithm #table
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used drugs for tuberculosis.
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #medications #table
Mid-sagittal T2 weighted lumbosacral spine magnetic resonance imaging scan #Clinical #EM #PrimaryCare #LumbarProlapse #DiscProlapse #MRI #Sagittal
lumbosacral spine magnetic
C1 and C2 Fractures and Injuries - Which Fractures are Stable and Unstable

#Diagnosis #Orthopedics #C1C2 #Cervical
Fractures are Stable ... Unstable #Stability #Table
Summary table of the mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #pharmacology #table
Comparison table between arterial vs venous leg ulcers. Visit gramproject.com for more medical diagrams, tables and
Comparison table ... medical diagrams, tables