432 results
Difficult Airway Assessment - LEMON Mnemonic

 - Look Externally
 - Evaluate
 - Mallampati
 - Obstruction or
- Evaluate - Mallampati ... Difficult #Airway #Evaluation
Basic preoperative airway assessment conducted by anesthesiologists to assess intubation difficulty, along with the two commonly
Mallampati Classification ... : Mallampati Classification
Predicting a Difficult Airway
Prior to attempting intubation one should assess the airway. 
3-3-2 rule indicates normal
Mallampati Classification ... Anesthesia #Diagnosis #Mallampati
Hyponatremia - Differential Diagnosis and Evaluation Algorithm
In addition to edema and urine concentration, always consider urine
Diagnosis and Evaluation ... urine output when evaluating ... Differential #Diagnosis #Evaluation
Algorithm for evaluating women with symptoms of Acute Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

#UTI #UrinaryTract #Infection #Algorithm #Diagnosis
Algorithm for evaluating ... Algorithm #Diagnosis #Evaluation
M (Mallampati Score): essentially giving you an external assessment tool about the patient’s ability to open
M (Mallampati Score ... #PCC #anesth #Mallampati
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
diagnostic clues to evaluating ... Febrile #Fever #Evaluation
Class I: #Uvula, #fauces, soft #palate, #pillars visible.
• Class II: Uvula, Soft palate, fauces visible.
• Class
palate visible #Mallampati
Class I: #Uvula, #fauces, soft #palate, #pillars visible.
• Class II: Uvula, Soft palate, fauces visible.
• Class
palate visible #Mallampati
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Weakness

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

#Weakness #Algorithm #Evaluation #Diagnosis #Differential #Neurology
Algorithm for the Evaluation ... Weakness #Algorithm #Evaluation