1189 results
Sister Mary Joseph Nodule on Physical Exam

Unfortunately, not all bulges are hernias. This umbilical bulge ended
Sister Mary Joseph ... called Sister Mary ... herniadoc #Sister #Mary
The Curbsiders #89: Conjunctivitis: Red Eye in Pr-eye-mary Care
#Diagnosis #Management #PrimaryCare #RedEye #Overview #Curbsiders
Eye in Pr-eye-mary
Airway Innervation - Anatomy

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Airway #Innervation #Anatomy #Anesthesiology
Anatomy - Mark
Cheatsheet for Malignant Hyperthermia in Anesthesia 

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Malignant #Hyperthermia #Anesthesia
Anesthesia - Mark
Physiologic, Anatomic and Pharmacologic Differences in Pediatric Anesthesiology

- Mark Harris, MD MPH

#Pediatrics #Anesthesiology #Peds #Differences #Adults
Anesthesiology - Mark
Managing Pain, Anxiety and Delirium in the ICU

Nick Mark MD @nickmmark

#Pain #Anxiety #Delirium #CriticalCare #Comparison #Management
the ICU Nick Mark
PEA Arrest Algorithm incorporating POCUS

- by Mark Ramzy DO, EMT-P @MRamzyDO

#PEA #Arrest #Algorithm #POCUS #Diagnosis #Narrow
POCUS - by Mark
Systematic changes affecting anesthesia in the obese patient.

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Obesity #Anesthesiology
- Mark Harris
Swan Ganz - Pulmonary Artery Catheter Basics

Nick Mark MD @nickmmark

#PA #SwanGanz #Pulmonary #Artery #Catheter #Basics #Diagnosis
Catheter Basics Nick Mark
Age Related Physiologic Changes and Anesthesia Implications

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Geriatrics #Aging #Anesthesia
Implications - Mark