15 results
Diagnosis and management of postpartum haemorrhage #Management #Diagnosis #EM #Obgyn #PostPartum #Hemorrhage #BMJ
Management #Diagnosis #EM ... #Obgyn #PostPartum
Differential Diagnosis of 3rd Trimester Bleeding: #Diagnosis #EM #OBGyn #Third #Trimester #ThirdTrimester #Bleed #Vaginal #Differential #Algorithm
Bleeding: #Diagnosis #EM ... #OBGyn #Third #
Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis of Acute Pelvic Pain #Diagnosis #Management #EM #Obgyn #Pelvic #Pain #PelvicPain #NonGynecologic
Diagnosis #Management #EM ... #Obgyn #Pelvic
Post-abortion Hemorrhage Management Algorithm
Cervical laceration
 → Direct pressure, silver nitrate for small laceration
 → Repair with
controlled Uterine atony ... while obtaining OBGYN ... Algorithm #obstetrics #obgyn
Preeclampsia - This is classically defined as the new onset of hypertension and either proteinuria or
#Diagnosis #EM # ... Obgyn #Preeclampsia
Postpartum Hemorrhage - Differential Diagnosis and Management 
Uterine Atony (80%) - Most PPH Will respond to
Management Uterine Atony ... to first line atony ... Management #obstetrics #obgyn
Causes of Post-Partum Hemorrhage - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Blood Loss: >500mL post vaginal delivery OR >1000 mL
section Uterine Atony ... Causes #Obstetrics #OBGyn
A quick infographic on various pearls about atopic dermatitis, a disease with an increasing burden on
diagnosis #causes #atopy ... D, Galloway G, Murray
TXA: Effect of Treatment Delay on Survival #EBM #EM #OBGyn #Trauma #TXA #TranexamicAcid #RebelEM
Survival #EBM #EM ... #OBGyn #Trauma
Close-up image of a normal early IUP showing a yolk sac within a gestational sac #Clinical
sac #Clinical #EM ... #Obgyn #Radiology