3 results
McMurray's Test for Meniscal Tear on Knee Examination

With the patient lying supine, the examiner palpates the
McMurray's Test ... for Meniscal Tear ... #Test #Meniscal ... #Tear #Meniscus ... #sports
Anemia of Hospitalization - Pathophysiology

Why does the Hgb/Hct drop in the first two days during hospitalization?

1928, a 32-page long ... to lying down should ... In conclusion, prolonged ... rest can cause ... spend 71-83% of
Authors: Mark M. Ramzy, DO, EMT-P (@MarkRamzyDO, EM Resident Physician, Drexel University, Department of Emergency Medicine)
Vital signs: BP ... Due to their short ... secretions and should ... following high speed ... Radiology #CTChest #Lung