2414 results
Positive Anterior drawer test video

Test for ACL integrity. Knee at 90 degree pulling tibia forward. (+)
specificity which means ... #Video #Knee #PhysicalExam
The clonus sustained in the ankle, which usually occurs in combination with a positive Babinski reflex,
Babinski reflex, means ... Clinical #Video #PhysicalExam
Hoffmann's Sign

Hoffman's sign means upper motor neuron injury.  The Hoffmann's reflex test itself involves loosely
Hoffman's sign means ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Positive Anterior drawer test video:  Test for ACL integrity. Knee at 90 degree pulling tibia
specificity which means ... #Video #Knee #PhysicalExam
Plantar Grasp Reflex
A little bit of neurological semiology of the newborn / infant with this super
the expected age means ... Grasp #Reflex #PhysicalExam
Intraoperative Thompson Test - Assessing the Achilles’ tendon following a surgical repair for rupture. The calf
provides an accurate means ... Intraoperative #physicalexam
In this video, you see right sided atrophy, right sided deviation, and fasiculations R>L, indicating a
Dysarthria means ... Fasciculations #PhysicalExam
Ankle Clonus on Physical Exam

Turns out to be refractory status due to vertebrobasilar thrombosis... Only one
be refractory status ... Clonus #Ankle #PhysicalExam
Nail diseases and disorders.
 - Spoon Nails (Koilonychia)
 - Pitting of Nails
 - Beau's Lines
Irregularities #Beaus ... Table #Clinical #PhysicalExam
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - S4 Gallop

S4: add this extra heart sounds by tapping first finger twice

twitter.com/ptfaddenMD/status ... Auscultation #Practice #PhysicalExam