245 results
Mechanisms of Loop Diuretic Action and Resistance. Panel A, loop diuretics circulate bound to protein. As
Pathophysiology #Nephro #IM ... #LoopDiuretic # ... MechanismOfAction
Nephron Remodeling as a Mechanism of Diuretic Resistance. When high doses of loop diuretics are used
Pathophysiology #Nephro #IM ... #LoopDiuretic #
Antibiotics Summary 
 #Pharm #MedicalStudent #Antibiotics #Families #Mindmap #MechanismOfAction
Families #Mindmap #MechanismOfAction
Antibiotics Mindmap - Major antibiotic families, mechanisms of action
#Pharmacology #Student #Antibiotics #Families #Mindmap #MechanismsOfAction #Classes #Classification
Families #Mindmap #MechanismsOfAction
Antibiotic Classes and Mechanism of Action

#Antibiotics #Classes #Sites #MechanismsOfAction #Pharmacology
Classes #Sites #MechanismsOfAction
Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation

#Antiplatelet #Inhibitors #Pharmacolgy #Pathophysiology #MechanismOfAction
Pathophysiology #MechanismOfAction
Mechanism of antibacterial drug resistance

#pharmacology #antibiotics #comparison #review #mechanismofaction
comparison #review #mechanismofaction
Mechanism of Action of Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors
- COX Inhibitors
- ADP Inhibitors
- GP IIb/IIIa Receptor Blockers

#Antiplatelet #Pharmacolgy
#Pharmacolgy #MechanismOfAction
Guidelines Directed medical therapy for Heart Failure 

Satyendra Dhar, MD, @DharSaty

#HFrEF #GDMT #sodium-glucosecotransporter-2inhibitors #SGLT2i #reninangiotensinaldosteronesysteminhibitors
MineralocorticoidReceptorAntagonist #LoopDiuretic
Onset of Intramuscular (IM) Medications for Severe Agitation
Ketamine (2-5 mg/kg IM) 3-7m
Droperidol (5 mg IM) 5-10m
Intramuscular (IM ... Ketamine (2-5 mg/kg IM ... Droperidol (5 mg IM ... Lorazepam (5 mg IM ... +2 mg IM) 15-30m