812 results
Mechanisms of Loop Diuretic Action and Resistance. Panel A, loop diuretics circulate bound to protein. As
Pathophysiology #Nephro #IM #LoopDiuretic ... #MechanismOfAction
Allopurinol and its active metabolite inhibit xanthine oxidase, the enzyme that converts hypoxanthine to xanthine and
#sideeffects #medications ... #mechanismofaction
Antibiotics Summary 
 #Pharm #MedicalStudent #Antibiotics #Families #Mindmap #MechanismOfAction
Families #Mindmap #MechanismOfAction
Antibiotics Mindmap - Major antibiotic families, mechanisms of action
#Pharmacology #Student #Antibiotics #Families #Mindmap #MechanismsOfAction #Classes #Classification
Families #Mindmap #MechanismsOfAction
List of some common medications used in the operative setting, with their counterparts that look alike
of some common medications ... ensure the proper medication ... for the correct indications ... #management #medication
Antibiotic Classes and Mechanism of Action

#Antibiotics #Classes #Sites #MechanismsOfAction #Pharmacology
Classes #Sites #MechanismsOfAction
Antiarrhythmic Medication Table

#Antiarrhythmic #Medications #Table #Classification #Classes #Cardiology #Pharmacology
Antiarrhythmic Medication ... Antiarrhythmic #Medications
Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation

#Antiplatelet #Inhibitors #Pharmacolgy #Pathophysiology #MechanismOfAction
Pathophysiology #MechanismOfAction
Mechanism of antibacterial drug resistance

#pharmacology #antibiotics #comparison #review #mechanismofaction
comparison #review #mechanismofaction
Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes - Algorithm

#Diabetes #Medications #Algorithm #Pharmacology #Pharmacotherapy #Hypoglycemic #Management #Endocrinology
Glucose-lowering medication ... Algorithm #Diabetes #Medications