128 results
Mees' Lines
Transverse while lines (usually one per nail, no depressions) that often can will disappear if
Mees' Lines Transverse ... #Mees #Lines #Fingernails
Nail Pathologies - Findings in or Near Nails


A superficial infection of the proximal and lateral
Transverse White Bands (Mees ... As with Mees' lines ... #Atlas #Beaus #Mees
Transverse lines of the fingernails. (A) Beau’s lines (arrows) of the thumbnail. (B) Mees’ lines (arrowheads)
(B) Mees’ lines ... nail grows.3 In Mees ... Mees’ lines are ... Beau’s lines and Mees
Shock - Pathophysiology 
Inadequate tissue perfusion to meet O2, nutrient requirements
1. Distributive Shock
2. Hypovolemic Shock
3. Cardiogenic
tissue perfusion to meet
Nail Findings & Associated Conditions
Change in color, texture, or shape can be harmless, but may suggest
Fingernails • Mees
Nail Findings & Associated Conditions
Change in color, texture, or shape can be harmless, but may suggest
Fingernails • Mees
This is what a #pneumothorax looks like on US. Air abolishes normal lung sliding. The "lung
where 'sliding' meets
Figure 53 – Longitudinal (left) and transverse (right) images from an ultrasound of the pylorus demonstrate
these measurements meet
Endocarditis - Duke Criteria - Major and Minor

 - Persistently +ve blood culture for
cultures that do not meet
Criteria for diagnosis of PPCM - Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
1) LV EF <0.45
2) Meets the Framingham criteria for
LV EF <0.45 2) Meets