3 results
Galeazzi Fracture 
Fracture of distal radial shaft with distal radial-ulnar joint disruption. Remember “MUGR” to recall
distal radial-ulnar ... distal radial-ulnar ... and wrist, limited ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM ... #Distal #Radiology
Distal Radius Fracture 
Distal radius fracture is the most common orthopedic injury. Here's a quick summary.
Distal Radius Fracture ... Distal radius ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM ... #Radial #Colles ... #Distal #Radiology
If the choice is available, biphasic waveform devices have greater efficacy than monophasic.In terms of the
devices have greater efficacy ... energy level, Mittal ... #Management #EBM ... #EM #IM #Cardiology ... Monophasic #Biphasic #Joules