816 results
Potassium Electrolyte Repletion
If patient also has hypomagnesemia, replete magnesium before repleting potassium
 • Pills (ask pharmacy
potassium Oral: • Pills ... give in 10 mEq pills ... because the pills
HIV Antiretroviral Medications Cheat Sheet

Integrase Inhibitors
Fusion Inhibitors
CCR5 Antagonist
Post Attachment Inhibitor
Combination Pills
Resistance Mutations Summary - https://hivdb.stanford.edu/ 

Inhibitor Combination Pills
Transverse Nail Ridges: Horizontal lines which are a marker of a past episode of severe illness
episode of severe illness ... Photo credit, ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: A febrile illness (caused by Coxsackie Virus) associated vesicle formation on
Disease: A febrile illness ... Vesicle #UCSDH #Photo
Contraception and CKD
Preferred Contraception in kidney disease: Intrauterine devices and progesterone only methods
Avoid combined progesterone/estrogen pills

progesterone/estrogen pills
Diabetes Combination Tablets - Estimated A1c Lowering 
Metformin + DPP4 
• Janumet (metformin + sitagliptin) 
#Pharmacology #Pills
Lung Auscultation and Physical Exam Findings in Selected Lung Disorders

#PhysicalExam #Auscultation #Pulmonary #Percussion #Dullness #Fremitus #BreathSounds
Pulmonary #Percussion #Dullness
Shifting Dullness to Percussion on Physical Exam to Detect Ascites

Dr. André Martin Mansoor @AndreMansoor

#Shifting #Dullness #Percussion
Shifting Dullness ... #Shifting #Dullness
Schema for illness in a camper (in the U.S) - Infections and Environmental Exposures

by Dr. Lizzy
Schema for illness ... Camping #Schema #illness
Back Pain - Common Illness Scripts
 • Lumbosacral Strain
 • Lumbar Disc Herniation
 • Inflammatory Back
Pain - Common Illness ... #Back #Pain #Illness