157 results
Pneumoperitoneum on POCUS

Elderly M with hypotension, abdominal pain and respiratory distress! Let's scan the abdomen first!!!
Let's scan the abdomen ... Abdominal #Ultrasound #FreeFluid
A guide for the interpretation of CT Abdomen/Pelvis

#CTAbdomen #AbdominalCT #Tutorial #Interpretation #Guide #System #Emergency #Radiology #CT
interpretation of CT Abdomen ... /Pelvis #CTAbdomen
Positive FAST in the RUQ view demonstrating echogenic clot in Morison’s pouch with adjacent anechoic free
FASTExam #RUQ #MorisonsPouch
Free fluid + empty uterus + positive pregnancy test = better start looking for a mass!
jchristianfox #FreeFluid
The Abnormal Abdomen on POCUS - Ultrasound Cheats

Dr. Jonny Wilkinson https://twitter.com/Wilkinsonjonny

#Abnormal #Abdomen #POCUS #Ultrasound #Evaluation #Diagnosis
The Abnormal Abdomen ... #Abnormal #Abdomen
Palpable abnormalities in the abdomen

#Palpable #Abdomen #Signs #PhysicalExam #Abnormalities #Abdominal
abnormalities in the abdomen ... #Palpable #Abdomen
Which conditions are associated with which area of abdomen?

Image source: OConnell TX. USMLE Step 2 Secrets:
which area of abdomen ... generalsurgery;#surgery;#abdomen
ACUTE ABDOMEN systemic sonographic approach to acute abdomen in emergency 
department - Mnemonic and Differential

A -
ACUTE ABDOMEN systemic ... approach to acute abdomen ... Revivan75 #ACUTE #ABDOMEN
Fluid in Morrison's Pouch on POCUS

Young adult with severe abdominal pain/distention. Hx-SLE with prior abdominal surgeries.
RJonesSonoEM #FreeFluid ... #MorrisonsPouch
Labeled Abdominal XRay Anatomy - KUB 
#Anatomy #Radiology #Abdomen #XRay #KUB #Labeled
Anatomy #Radiology #Abdomen