8 results
#Diagnosis #EM #IM #PERC #Low #Risk #Pulmonary #Embolism #PulmonaryEmbolism #Algorithm #RebelEM
PulmonaryEmbolism #Algorithm ... #RebelEM
Algorithm for Suspected Extremity Arterial Injury

#Diagnosis #ArterialInjury #ABI #AnkleBrachialIndex #Algorithm #Evaluation #Signs #RebelEM
Algorithm for Suspected ... AnkleBrachialIndex #Algorithm ... Evaluation #Signs #RebelEM
Validation of the Step-By-Step Approach to Febrile Infants

#Diagnosis #Management #Pediatrics #Peds #Febrile #Infant #StepByStep #Algorithm #LP
Infant #StepByStep #Algorithm ... Stratification #Fever #RebelEM
Operationalization of New Sepsis and Septic Shock Criteria #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #QSofa #Score #Sepsis #SepticShock
#SepticShock #Algorithm ... #RebelEM
REBEL Review 84: Stroke Workflow in 2018 

#stroke #algorithm #cva #neurology #management #protocol
REBEL Review 84: ... 2018 #stroke #algorithm
How should the modified Sgarbossa Criteria be used in initial evaluation of patients with suspected AMI
LBBB #Evaluation #Algorithm ... #RebelEM
SGLT2 inhibitors, also called gliflozins, are a class of medications that alter essential physiology of the
inhibitors that modulate ... canagliflozin (Invokana®), dapagliflozin ... (Farxiga®) and empagliflozin ... canagliflozin, #dapagliflozin ... , #empagliflozin
What was the 6 Hour EGDT Protocol from the 2001 Rivers Study?
#Management #SepsisBundle #EarlyGoalDirectedTherapy #EGDT #Rivers
Rivers #Protocol #Algorithm ... #RebelEM