1444 results
Infant of a Diabetic Mother - complications - pathophysiology learning schema
Information source: UpToDate

#Infant #Diabetic #Mother #Pediatrics
of a Diabetic Mother ... Infant #Diabetic #Mother
gestational diabetes algorithm
#Infant #Diabetic #Mother #Pediatrics #Neonatology #IDM #NICU #OBGYN #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology #Maternal #Complications #Peds #Newborn
Infant #Diabetic #Mother
Mother's Kiss Technique for Nasal Foreign Body Removal
NASAL FOREIGN BODY: children enjoy sticking objects up their
Mother's Kiss Technique ... Here's a father ... The “mother's kiss ... introduction of the mother's ... the_resuscitationist #Mothers
Kocher Criteria to Determine Risk for Pediatric Septic Joint 

 - Non-weight bearing on affected side
Kocher Criteria ... > 12,000 #Kocher
Overview of potential mechanisms influencing the risk of obesity in the offspring of obese mothers.
offspring of obese mothers
Thyroid Goiter on Physical Exam

Mother and daughter both presenting with thyroid goiters caused by iodine deficiency.
Physical Exam Mother
Intraoperative Atrial Fibrillation

Mothers & Anaesthetists know when you're fibbing

- Dr. Laura Duggan

#AtrialFibrillation #AFib #Intraoperative #Clinical #Video
Fibrillation Mothers
Peripheral Sensory and Motor Deficits in Nerve Lesions

#Peripheral #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Nerve #Lesions #Hands #Legs #Foot
Peripheral Sensory and Motor ... Peripheral #Sensory #Motor
Spinal Cord Anatomy - Sensory and Motor Pathways
 - Dorsal Column
 - Lateral Column
 - Anterior
- Sensory and Motor ... Anatomy #Sensory #Motor
Causes of Peripheral Weakness - With and Without Sensory Changes - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
With Sensory Changes:
Mononeuropathy - Other ... Objective Weakness • Motor ... Neuron and Motor