1978 results
Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Red and Painful Eye
1. External
2. Lids and Lashes
3. Conjunctiva and
Algorithm for the ... Conjunctiva and Sclera ... RedEye #Painful #Algorithm
Pancytopenia - Differential Algorithm / Schema

- Bone Marrow Failure
- Bone Marrow Infiltration
- Sequestration / Destruction

#Pancytopenia #Differential
- Differential Algorithm ... / Schema - Bone ... #Differential #Algorithm ... #Schema #Hematology
Muddy Brown Sclera: Brownish discoloration of sclera occasionally seen in African Americans. 
It is a variant
Muddy Brown Sclera ... discoloration of sclera ... Ophthalmology #Normal #MuddyBrown ... #Sclera #AA #Photo
Examples of varying granular and granular/waxy mixed casts: 
A: coarse granular/broad-waxy (and surrounding white blood cells);
#Granular #MuddyBrown
Peripheral Neuropathy - Diagnostic Schema and Differential Diagnosis

Common Causes
Rapid Onset
Subacute/Chronic Onset
 - Multifocal
 - Focal
Neuropathy - Diagnostic Schema ... Differential #Diagnosis #Schema ... #Algorithm #Causes
Algorithm for the evaluation of pediatric cervical spine injuries #Diagnosis #EM #Peds #Trauma #CSpine #Clear #Clearance
Algorithm for the ... Trauma #CSpine #Clear ... Clearance #Decision #Algorithm
Diagnostic Schema for Hyperferritinemia

Pearl: Diseases associated with extreme elevations: 
1. HLH 
2. Still's disease 
3. Systemic
Diagnostic Schema ... Hyperferritinemia #Algorithm
Graded Oxygen Administration in COVID-19

#respiratory #support #COVID19 #management #schema #criticalcare #hypoxia #failure #algorithm #coronavirus #sarscov2 #oxygen
COVID19 #management #schema ... hypoxia #failure #algorithm
Granular & “Muddy Brown” Casts on Urine Microscopy
A. Finely granular cast B. slightly coarser granular cast
#Granular #MuddyBrown
Cough - Diagnostic Schema

Infectious: URTI, LRTI, Bacterial, Viral
Irritant/Exposure: Allergic, Post-infectious, Pneumonitis, ACEi, PTX, Foreign Body
Airway Disease:
Cough - Diagnostic Schema ... Cough #Diagnosis #Schema ... #Differential #Algorithm