31 results
Huge mural thrombus occupying 1/3 the LV.
MI effecting [LAD territory]

In PLAX view, The unechoic line between
Huge mural thrombus ... EchoAshwag #Mural
Intra-Aortic Thrombi on Cardiac MRI
4 intraaortic thrombi attached to the wall of the descending aorta,moving in
Clinical #Sagittal #Mural
Dural Venous Sinuses - Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Dural #Venous #Sinuses #Anatomy #Sinus
Dural Venous Sinuses ... By @rev.med #Dural
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Ankle Local Nerve Blocks

 - Tibial 
 - Saphenous
 - Deep
Superficial Peroneal - Sural ... POCUS #Ultrasound #Sural
The worst case of crusted scabies I’ve even seen. Looking at the photo makes me itch
Clinical #Photo #Rural
Complications Following Myocardial Infarction
Heart Failure - Ineffcient pumping of the heart.  Can be acute or
Mitral Regurge Mural
Aortic Dissection on Suprasternal Notch View - POCUS

Suprasternal POCUS of the aortic arch dramatically changing a
actual aortic mural
Eggshell Calcifications of the Bladder - Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis without the administration
kidney, with faint mural ... arrow) and smooth mural
Aortic aneurysm (aaa) measuring 6 cm wide with mural thrombus (asterisks) #Clinical #Diagnosis #EM #Radiology #Vasc
6 cm wide with mural
Giant Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Mural Thrombus. It's amazing how big these things can get before
Aneurysm with Mural