15 results
Emphysematous Prostatitis - Radiography of the kidney, ureter, and bladder showed an atypical focus of gas
computed tomography (CT ... lobe (Panel B) #Clinical ... #Radiology #CT ... #KUB #EmphysematousProstatitis ... #Prostatitis #NEJM
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
#Clinical #Derm ... #Pneumatosis #CT ... #NEJM
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis - Abdominal radiography (Panel A) and computed tomography (Panel B) revealed gas collection in
#Clinical #Radiology ... Pyelonephritis #CT ... #KUB #NEJM
Tinea Capitis in a Newborn- A 3-week-old male newborn was brought to the pediatrician with three
#clinical #photo ... #NEJM #tinea #capitis ... #ringworm #derm
Swirl Sign - Intestinal Volvulus after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - Radiography (Panel A) and computed tomography
computed tomography (CT ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Surgery #KUB # ... CT #Swirl #Sign ... IntestinalVolvulus #NEJM
Emphysematous Cystitis - A plain radiograph of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder showed air surrounding the
Panel B, arrows) #Clinical ... EmphysematousCystitis #Cystiis #CT ... #KUB #NEJM
Calcified Spleen and Gallstones - An abdominal radiograph, which was obtained during a previous presentation for
#Clinical #Radiology ... #KUB #CT #Calcified ... #Spleen #NEJM
Disseminated Cutaneous Blastomycosis- A fungal culture of skin tissue was negative; however, a skin biopsy showed
#clinical #photo ... #derm #NEJM #cutaneous
Falciform Ligament Sign - An abdominal radiograph that was obtained with the patient in a supine
Panel B, arrow) #Clinical ... Pneumoperitoneum #CT ... #KUB #NEJM
Black Hairy Tongue- ...A polymicrobial wound infection developed, and she received treatment with intravenous meropenem and
and has no long-term ... #NEJM #photo #clinical